Local Government (L3)
Localism is Real
There exists everywhere a social territory defined by the daily travel of its inhabitants, typically a town or rural district. Within this territory, members of a household live, (often) work, shop, go to school, receive health care, get professional services, find many work opportunities, and pursue leisure activities.
must subdivide its territory in accord with . The cannot avoid recognizing the inherent demand within these for their own political organization.The organizational expression of the desire for self-governance in a THEE-name for it is: .
is extremely varied. The
Whereas higher levels (actual delivery and the specific details of local needs and preferences.
& ) will be concerned with services in abstractions (i.e. in terms of their general form and range, the standard of provision, priorities between services, and inequalities within the state), will be concerned with, where it exists, will be empowered to produce regulations mandated by higher level laws, as well as its own by-laws which must be obeyed.
Co-terminosity of Local Services
Local governments often seek to provide services coterminous with their community, i.e. delivered uniformly across the geographical territory of that community. This is natural but often unwise.
The optimum size of territory which can be served effectively by an efficient organization will vary greatly from one service to another. This service territory may be larger or smaller than the local government territory.
In general, it is better to optimise the service territory, rather than artificially fit it to the local government catchment area.
Read more on social territories & service territories.
Political Control
There are many options for politically ensuring service provision. Local councillors can relate to and control services in a variety of ways including for example:
The essence is flexibility in structures, and an acceptance of variation to suit communities and also to suit the nature of the services.
- Now continue with still smaller political territories.
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010